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W&L's Marc Conner on Shakespeare in Times-Dispatch

Marc Conner, the Ballangee Professor of English at Washington and Lee University, discussed the relevance of Shakespeare’s works to our lives today in a story in the Richmond Times-Dispatch on Sunday, April 21, 2013.

Conner is the author of a 24-lecture series, “How to Read and Understand Shakespeare,” that is part of the Great Courses.

Commenting on Shakespeare as part of the Times-Dispatch observance of the Bard’s birthday, Conner said “One of the real delights about Shakespeare is how applicable everything he’s talking about is to our own lives. Broken relationships, looking for love, parents versus children, the meaning of life, the great religious questions, the great political questions—they’re all in those plays.”

The article may be viewed at http://myw.lu/10tuBcY