Peter Grajzl to Host Nobel Prize Symposium Talk
The John F. Hendon Professor of Economics will discuss the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences presented to Daron Acemoglu, Simon Johnson and James A. Robinson.
The John F. Hendon Professor of Economics will discuss the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences presented to Daron Acemoglu, Simon Johnson and James A. Robinson.
Grajzl’s talk “An Economist’s Walk Through English Legal and Cultural History” will be held on Jan. 25 in Northen Auditorium.
Peter Grajzl named a 2022 winner of the Elinor Ostrom Prize.
Peter Grajzl has been named a finalist for the 2022 Elinor Ostrom Prize for two articles he co-authored in 2020.
Earlier this month, economics professor Peter Grajzl gave an online presentation for the University of Oxford titled "A machine-learning history of English case law and legal ideas before the Industrial Revolution."