Ben Halligan '23L discusses his year as a student attorney in the Tax Clinic, helping clients resolve post-filing controversies with the IRS.
Ben Halligan '23L discusses his year as a student attorney in the Tax Clinic, helping clients resolve post-filing controversies with the IRS.
After graduation, Gallagher is headed to New York to work in the state and local tax group at PricewaterhouseCoopers.
Brianna Pine, a third-year law student at W&L Law and student attorney in the Tax Clinic, won first place in a recent tax advocacy contest sponsored by the Low Income Taxpayer Clinic (LITC) grant program.
The Tax Clinic at the Washington and Lee University School of Law has been awarded a matching grant by the Internal Revenue Service’s Low-Income Taxpayer Clinic (LITC) Program Office. This is the twelfth straight year that the Tax Clinic has received federal dollars to support its efforts.
The guides help with a variety of tax issues, including determining filing status and information about claiming children as dependents.
The Tax Clinic at the Washington and Lee University School of Law has been awarded a matching grant from the Internal Revenue Service's Low-Income Taxpayer Clinic program.
For the eighth straight year, the Tax Clinic at the Washington and Lee University School of Law has been awarded a matching grant from the Internal Revenue Service's Low-Income Taxpayer Clinic program.
The Tax Clinic at the Washington and Lee University School of Law has been awarded a matching grant from the Internal Revenue Service's Low-Income Taxpayer Clinic program (LITC). This is the seventh straight year that the Tax Clinic has received federal dollars to support its efforts.
The Tax Clinic at the Washington and Lee University School of Law has been awarded a multi-year matching grant from the Internal Revenue Service's Low-Income Taxpayer Clinic program (LITC).
While the stress of tax season will end for most people on April 15, students in the Tax Clinic at Washington and Lee School of Law will be gearing up to deal with taxpayer mistakes and other issues related to the filing deadline.