A W&L Face at Facebook
When she was communications director for the House Democratic Caucus in 2007, Sarah Feinberg, a member of Washington and Lee’s Class of 1999, described her résumé as a “bit schizophrenic” in an interview with Politico. The latest entry on that packed résumé is a new position at Facebook, where she will be focusing on communications about privacy, safety, security and litigation.
Sarah is the latest Facebook hire who brings Washington insider credentials to the company. In June, Joe Lockhart, former White House spokesman, became Facebook’s spokesman. In its story about Sarah’s move, The Hill wrote that Sarah’s appointment underscores the importance to Facebook of the upcoming debate over comprehensive security and privacy legislation.
Prior to this move, Sarah had been with Bloomberg L.P., where she had served as director of global communications and business strategy since May 2010. Before that, she was special assistant to President Obama and senior adviser to former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel. She was the chief of staff’s liaison to the Obama economic team and press and communications departments. She helped coordinate the Obama administration’s responses to the country’s fiscal and economic crisis, the H1N1 flu pandemic and the 2009 mine disaster in her native state of West Virginia.
Before joining the White House, she had worked with Emanuel at the House Democratic Caucus, where she earned a reputation as being invaluable in helping freshman members of Congress get up to speed on the issues.
You can learn more about Sarah’s impressive career, including the way she got her start in politics by campaigning for her father when he ran for the West Virginia state legislature, on the Washington Post’s Who Runs Gov website.
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