Adam Schwartz Credentialed as a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA)
Adam Schwartz, the Lawrence Term Associate Professor of Business Administration in Washington and Lee’s Williams School of Commerce, Economics, and Politics, has been credentialed as a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA).
He took three levels of exams over an 18-month period to achieve the CFA, a self-study program for people interested in learning more about investments. An article in Bloomberg Businessweek describes the qualification as “the gold standard of the investment management field, and those who have the credential are expected to have an in-depth knowledge of the investment industry, with many going on to careers as portfolio managers or research analysts at hedge funds and private equity firms.”
The CFA allows Schwartz to offer five CFA scholarships per year to reduce the costs of W&L seniors enrolling in the CFA program. W&L seniors can sit for the level 1 exam immediately after graduation. After achieving all three levels of exams, they can then apply for a charter.
Details of the CFA scholarships can be found here.
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