In August 2017, I appointed the Commission on Institutional History and Community and charged it with examining how the ways that we teach, discuss and represent our history shape our community.
In August 2017, I appointed the Commission on Institutional History and Community and charged it with examining how the ways that we teach, discuss and represent our history shape our community.
Blunch recently attended the 7th annual meeting of Danish Academic Economists in North America (DAEiNA) at Princeton University. This year, he was able to fully enjoy the program as a participant, rather than as an organizer.
Elizabeth McDonald heads to Japan, Emily Austin to Indonesia and Riley Ries to Kyrgyzstan.
Boldt’s lecture is titled "Conversing a Great Deal with Your Picture: Portraiture and Society in Early Virginia.”
Ryan taught at Washington and Lee for 40 years until his retirement in 2010.
The awards were presented during W&L's Athletics Awards Ceremony on May 15.
Wolfe, one of W&L's most accomplished alumni, will be remembered for his talent, wit and generosity.
Ellen Kanzinger '18 provides a snapshot of the many opportunities she had to hone her photography skills at Washington and Lee.
The NSF only funds about 11,000 of the 40,000 proposals it receives annually for research, education and training projects.
While studying in Sydney, Bradley Callaham '19 interns at LINK, the world’s largest international business brokerage firm.