Career Paths: Sara Fe’ White ’25L After graduation, Sara Fe' White will pursue a career as JAG officer for the U.S. Navy.
Sara Fe’ White ‘25L is from Pensacola, Florida. She attended the University of Florida, where she received a B.A. in history and criminology. At W&L Law, she has served as the Student Bar Association Class President, the Phi Alpha Delta Chapter President, a Lead Articles Editor on Law Review, a Research Assistant, and a Sports Czar.
Why did you decide to pursue a career in JAG?
I decided to pursue a career in JAG for several reasons. I am passionate about dedicating my legal career to public service. I have always wanted to serve our country and do something bigger than myself. That commitment, coupled with my passion for being on a team and working towards a larger goal, prompted my interest in becoming a JAG. Moreover, being from Pensacola and coming from a family with a long history of naval service, I have always admired the Navy. This personal connection, coupled with my passions for the law and public service, inspired me to pursue the opportunity to serve as a lawyer and a leader in the U.S. Navy.
Have you had any externships or experiences at law school that pointed you in that direction?
During my 1L summer, I interned for the Honorable M. Casey Rodgers at the Northern District of Florida and at the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia. These two internships provided me with substantial litigation experience and confirmed my decision to pursue public service. During my 2L summer, I worked at a Levin Papantonio law firm in Pensacola, which confirmed my desire to pursue a litigation career.
In law school, I have had incredible educational experiences that influenced and confirmed my interest in pursuing a career in JAG. I am especially grateful to have explored my passion for criminal law in Dean Wilson’s Criminal Procedure class and Professor DiBiagio’s Federal White Collar and Criminal Law classes.
Describe the application and interview process for JAG. What was the most interesting or surprising thing about that experience?
I applied for a Professional Recommendation for the Navy JAG Student Program in October 2023. Before applying, I networked with current and former JAGs, including Justin Bass ‘15L, to confirm that this was the right path for me. The application included standard personal and academic questions. After submitting the application, I scheduled a structured interview with current Navy JAGs, which was probably the most interesting aspect of my application experience. After completing my interview, my application went before the selection board, which looks for a variety of characteristics in candidates, including leadership potential, academic performance, and commitment to public service. After receiving my professional recommendation from the board, I began working with a recruiter to satisfy the requirements to commission as an officer.
Do you know where you will be placed and what sort of work will you be doing? If not, what do you hope for?
I know that I will go to Newport, Rhode Island for Officer Development School (ODS). While I cannot say for certain where I will be after ODS, I am interested in completing my first tour in Pensacola. As to what I’ll be doing, all first-tour Navy JAGs complete a rotation of prosecution, defense, command services, and legal assistance work. During my career, I intend to pursue the Military Justice Litigation Career Track, with a goal to become a member of the Office of Special Trial Counsel.
In what ways has your experience at W&L prepared you for JAG?
My experience at W&L Law has played an immeasurable role in preparing me for JAG. I have gained an invaluable education and incredible leadership experience during my time here. I received incredible practical experience in Advanced Evidence with Professor Clarke, Litigation Immersion with Professor Belmont, and Trial Advocacy with Professor Munro. Additionally, I have been fortunate to work as a Research Assistant for Professor Miller, who has significantly influenced my view of constitutional and international law. Outside of class, serving as the SBA Class President and PAD Chapter President has enabled me to grow as a leader. I am confident that the opportunities and experiences at W&L Law have prepared me to effectively serve as a JAG.
Outside Law School
Favorite Location in Lexington/W&L Campus
The Colonnade
Advice for Prospective Law Student
Engage with the law school community—they are some of the best people you will ever meet.
Something/Someone you will miss at W&L Law
The community
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