Eskimos Swing
A random Tweet caught our eye this week. It came from a fellow named Steve Hayman, who is a consulting engineer for Apple but also directs the Argonotes, the band for the Canadian Football League’s Toronto Argonauts.
Seems that the Argonauts played at the Edmonton Eskimos on Friday night (Aug. 6). The Argonauts won 29-28, but that’s beside the point.
Here’s the Tweet in question: “Third quarter break; crowd sings #Esks fight song, without pep band, and sadly unaware of tune’s unoriginality (“Washington&Lee Swing”) #CFL”
Of course, there are dozens and dozens of teams on all levels who use the Swing as their fight song and are undoubtedly unaware of its origin. We recently blogged about a church service that featured the Swing and had a series of YouTube videos in which bands of all sorts used the W&L fight song. But somehow we missed the Eskimos..
You can read the lyrics here: Eskimos Fight Song and listen to the Edmonton version below:
So tell us: What schools do you know who use the Swing as their fight song?