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Get to Know the Newest Members of the W&L Community – 8/21/24 The following individuals recently joined the Washington and Lee employee workforce.

Nydia Ayala, Assistant Professor of Cognitive and Behavioral Science – The College

Nydia-Ayala-scaled-600x400 Get to Know the Newest Members of the W&L Community - 8/21/24Nydia Ayala, assistant professor of cognitive and behavioral science

Q. Tell us a little about yourself.
I received my Ph.D. in cognitive psychology with a concentration in psychology and law from Iowa State University. My research is broadly focused on improving police identification procedures. I am a native of Mexico — born in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua — but spent the greater portion of my life in Toronto, Canada, where I pursued my undergraduate education. When I am not working, I spend most of my time with my canine companion, Nani.

Q. How do you unwind or have fun? Any hobbies or hidden talents?
I enjoy road trips, concerts, watching the latest movies, learning how to play tennis and hunting down the best coffee in town.

Q. Any favorite Lexington/regional spots/activities (or something you are excited about)?
Given that I am moving from the flatlands of Iowa, I am looking forward to hiking up a hill or two.

Justice Boxler, Marketplace Food Service – Dining Services

Justice-Boxler-scaled-600x400 Get to Know the Newest Members of the W&L Community - 8/21/24Justice Boxler, dining services

Q. Tell us a little about yourself.
I have a 4-year-old cat named Stanley.

Q. How do you unwind or have fun? Any hobbies or hidden talents?
I like to watch a good television show during my relaxing time.

Q. Anything in particular that you are looking forward to at W&L?
I am looking forward to meeting new people.

Jawanza Clark, Visiting Assistant Professor of Religion – The College

Jawanza-Clark-600x400 Get to Know the Newest Members of the W&L Community - 8/21/24Jawanza Clark, visiting assistant professor of religion

Q. Tell us a little about yourself.
I am married with two sons. I earned a Bachelor of Arts from Morehouse College, a Master’s of Divinity from Yale Divinity School and a Ph.D. from Emory University.

Q. How do you unwind or have fun? Any hobbies or hidden talents?
I am a sports enthusiast, mostly football, basketball and baseball. I also love working out and reading.

Q. Best advice anyone has given you?
Persevere until the end.

Christopher Elford, Assistant Professor of Chinese – The College

Christopher-Elford-scaled-600x400 Get to Know the Newest Members of the W&L Community - 8/21/24Christopher Elford, assistant professor of Chinese

Q. Tell us a little about yourself.
I did my undergraduate studies at Southwestern University, where I majored in philosophy and English literature, with a minor in Chinese. I then spent a few years working and traveling in China, learning Chinese through immersion, after which I returned to the U.S. to earn a Master of Arts in Chinese Literature from the University of Oregon and a Ph.D. in Chinese from the University of California, Berkeley. I specialize in the literature, calligraphy and material culture of medieval China. I live in Lexington with my wife and son (age 5) and our two cats, Nico and Mika.

Q. How do you unwind or have fun? Any hobbies or hidden talents?
I enjoy practicing Chinese calligraphy and playing the chess-like board game go (or weigi), even though I am not very good at it. I love learning languages and am constantly reviewing or making new flashcards. Right now, I am learning to read German. I swim and cycle to stay in shape.

Q. Any favorite Lexington/regional spots/activities (or something you are excited about)?
My family and I look forward to cycling in Shenandoah National Park. I (probably more so than my family) am looking forward to exploring Virginia’s many National Battlefield Parks.

Adrienne Jones, Postdoctoral Fellow in Southern Race Relations – DeLaney Center

Adrienne-Jones-scaled-600x400 Get to Know the Newest Members of the W&L Community - 8/21/24Adrienne Jones, postdoctoral fellow in southern race relations, culture and politics.

Q. Tell us a little about yourself.
I just completed my Ph.D. at Duke University. I also have a Master of Public Policy from Duke and a Bachelor of Arts in political science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Q. How do you unwind or have fun? Any hobbies or hidden talents?
I love visiting libraries and bringing home physical books to read.

Q. Any favorite Lexington/regional spots/activities (or something you are excited about)?
I’m really excited to try my hand at kayaking!

Esther Kim, Marketplace Cook Dining Services

Esther-Kim-scaled-600x400 Get to Know the Newest Members of the W&L Community - 8/21/24Esther Kim, dining services

Q. Tell us a little about yourself.
I am a Korean immigrant and attended a medical college in Korea. However, I enjoyed cooking much more and began a career in food. I have one daughter who just graduated in the W&L Class of 2024.

Q. Any favorite Lexington/regional spots/activities (or something you are excited about)?
I am excited to make Korean food at Washington and Lee. It is exciting to cook in a community that is not pre-dominantly Korean.

Q. Best advice anyone has given you?
I have lived among various cultures. The best advice ever given to me is to always keep my mind open and lean into learning new things about anything! My daughter jokes that I study/learn more than she ever did in college.

Tyler Linscott, Assistant Women’s Tennis Coach Athletics

Tyler-Linscott-scaled-600x400 Get to Know the Newest Members of the W&L Community - 8/21/24Tyler Linscott, assistant women’s tennis coach

Q. Tell us a little about yourself.
I graduated from Linfield University and I play a lot of pickleball and tennis.

Q. Any favorite Lexington/regional spots/activities (or something you are excited about)?
I am excited to be a part of a group that seems very close and to help the W&L community in any way possible.

Q. How do you unwind or have fun? Any hobbies or hidden talents?
I like to play sports, Playstation and poker.

Taylor Maxey, Information Desk Supervisor Information Technology Services

Taylor-Maxey-scaled-600x400 Get to Know the Newest Members of the W&L Community - 8/21/24Taylor Maxey, information technology services

Q. Tell us a little about yourself.
I am a W&L alum, licensed Yoga instructor, world traveler, foodie and repatriate to the U.S.

Q. Any favorite Lexington/regional spots/activities (or something you are excited about)?
I’ve always been a fan of Macado’s, but I’m excited to see and do more.

Q. How do you unwind or have fun? Any hobbies or hidden talents?
I unwind with a crafting project or sometimes with a book. I’m a decent singer too.

Jacob Migdail-Smith, Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics The College

Jacob-Migdail-Smith-scaled-600x400 Get to Know the Newest Members of the W&L Community - 8/21/24Jacob Migdail-Smith, visiting assistant professor of mathematics

Q. Tell us a little about yourself.
I just finished my Ph.D. in mathematics this past spring at Syracuse University with a dissertation on knot theory. I am the fourth generation of teachers in my family. I will be moving to Lexington with my fiancée.

Q. Any favorite Lexington/regional spots/activities (or something you are excited about)?
I enjoy hiking and am very excited to have access to trails and mountains around Lexington.

Q. How do you unwind or have fun? Any hobbies or hidden talents?
I enjoy bird watching and nature photography.

Kerry Shibib, Outreach and Reference Librarian Law Library

Kerry-Shibib-scaled-600x400 Get to Know the Newest Members of the W&L Community - 8/21/24Kerry Shibib, outreach and reference librarian for the Law Library

Q. Tell us a little about yourself.
I studied government in upstate New York at Cornell University. I received my J.D. from Columbia Law School, after which I was a litigator for several years in New York and California.

Q. How do you unwind or have fun? Any hobbies or hidden talents?
I have been getting involved in drone photography lately. I am also surprisingly good at naming lyrics to songs that were popular in the 1990s.

Q. Anything else you want to share with the W&L community?
I was born near Reading, Pennsylvania (same hometown as Taylor Swift for all those Swifties out there).

Gracia Thompson, E Café Food Service Dining Services

Gracia-Thompson-600x400 Get to Know the Newest Members of the W&L Community - 8/21/24Gracia Thompson, dining services

Q. Tell us a little about yourself.
I have two sisters, two nieces and two nephews. I also have two dogs named Dixie and Macee.

Q. How do you unwind or have fun? Any hobbies or hidden talents?
I like to fish, camp, go on mountain rides and float the river.

Q. Best advice anyone has given you?
The best advice was to not worry what others think.

Eliana Velasquez, Administrative Assistant Admissions and Financial Aid

Eliana-Velasquez-scaled-600x400 Get to Know the Newest Members of the W&L Community - 8/21/24Eliana Velasquez, admissions and financial aid

Q. Tell us a little about yourself.
I was born and raised here in Lexington. I graduated from Roanoke College with a degree in psychology and neuroscience in 2023. Both of my parents are also part of the W&L community. I lived in Spain for some time after graduation, but truly missed the wonderful community that I call home here in Lexington. You will either find me on back campus trails by the river or snuggled with my dog, Luca, watching Gilmore Girls for the 50th time.

Q. How do you unwind or have fun? Any hobbies or hidden talents?
You can always find me watching a wholesome television show or listening to a true crime podcast, but the ultimate unwind activity is sitting on my back porch watching the cows and horses.

Q. Any favorite Lexington/regional spots/activities (or something you are excited about)?
Having grown up in Rockbridge County, I like to say I know all of the secret spots. Weather permitting, you cannot go wrong with a kayaking trip down the Maury River or a hike through Devil’s Marble Yard.

Trevor Ventola, Custodian Athletics

Trevor-Ventola-scaled-600x400 Get to Know the Newest Members of the W&L Community - 8/21/24Trevor Ventola, athletics custodian

Q. Tell us a little about yourself.
I have 11 years of experience in custodian work and it’s a job I really enjoy doing. I’m excited to move to the area and explore Lexington while beginning this new career.

Q. How do you unwind or have fun? Any hobbies or hidden talents?
I like watching different television series and playing games and exercising.

Q. Best advice anyone has given you?
Move silently!

Sheahan Virgin, Assistant Professor of Politics The Williams School

SheahanVirgin02-600x400 Get to Know the Newest Members of the W&L Community - 8/21/24Sheahan Virgin, assistant professor of politics

Q. Tell us a little about yourself.
I earned a Bachelor of Arts from Grinnell College, a Master of Arts from the University of Chicago and a Ph.D. from Vanderbilt University.

Q. How do you unwind or have fun? Any hobbies or hidden talents?
I listen to, read about and write on classical music. I also like to play or hike with my dog, Adlai.

James Wallace, Marketplace Cook Dining Services

James-Wallace-III-scaled-600x400 Get to Know the Newest Members of the W&L Community - 8/21/24James Wallace, dining services

Q. Tell us a little about yourself.
I’ve got two sisters and my mother here with me in Lexington. One works in catering here at W&L.

Q. How do you unwind or have fun? Any hobbies or hidden talents?
I like art, gaming and skateboarding.

Q. Best advice anyone has given you?
If you ain’t first, you’re last.