Hilary Craig ’09 Wins Sarah G. Ball Teaching Award
Hilary Craig ’09 of Georgetown, Ky., is this year’s Sarah G. Ball award recipient. She is a double major in journalism and mass communications and psychology at Washington and Lee University.
The Sarah G. Ball Teaching Award was established in 2003 by the Ball family to honor Sarah Ball ’01. It recognizes excellent preparation for teaching in elementary and secondary schools and a commitment to community service. The award is presented to a graduating senior who is committed to teach in a school, which serves a community of learners with diverse needs.
The recipient of the Sarah G. Ball award will receive recognition at Washington and Lee University’s graduation ceremony and a $4,000 salary supplement for their first year of teaching, which is renewable for the second year. The school/program where she will work will be determined this summer.
Craig has been accepted into the Teach for America program and has plans to teach in an early childhood education program in Washington, D.C., in the fall. “This award will make it possible for me to ensure that the students in my class have the appropriate resources needed to help them achieve,” said Craig.
“Many schools in low-income areas have fewer tools to aid students in their learning. It’s especially important in early childhood for students to have an engaging environment, and I hope to be able to use the award to create an classroom that will stimulate the students’ learning.”
As part of the TFA program Craig will be going through alternate certification and earning a master’s degree in education from George Mason University. She is a member of the Nabors Service League, a member of the residential life staff, a writer for the Ring-Tum Phi and a leader in the Generals’ Christian Fellowship. She was recently inducted into Phi Beta Kappa.