Japanese Tea Room Unwraps Another Gift
Washington and Lee’s Japanese Tea Room has received a second gift from Sen Genshitsu, the 15th-generation Grand Master of the Urasenke Tradition of Tea.
In October, W&L’s Tea Room received its name — Senshin’an (Clearing-the-Mind-Abode) — as a gift from Sen Genshitsu. Tea room names are special gifts, as Janet Ikeda, associate professor of Japanese, explained at the time, and W&L’s name coming from such a distinguished personage was significant.
This second gift came with a note from Sen Genshitsu: “I am pleased to donate the articles enumerated on the attached list toward promoting understanding of Japanese culture at Washington and Lee University and the exchange of culture between Japan and America. May the articles long be kept and be put to good use.”
The utensils range from vases to kettles to tea bowls. The display is now available for viewing in the Watson Pavilion.