Keeping Babies Healthy
Whether they’ve known it or not, parents who pay close attention to nutritional guidelines for their babies set by the American Academy of Pediatrics have benefited from the expertise of a Washington and Lee alumnus. Dr. Frank R. Greer, a member of the Class of 1968, is the former chairman of the AAP’s nutrition committee, and he comments frequently on a variety of topics involving infant nutrition.
Just this week Newsweek wrote about the question of whether or not probiotics (or prebiotics) can help stop colicky babies from crying. Frank is quoted in the Newsweek piece, as he was lead author of the AAP report on the subject.
A neonatology specialist at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Frank is interviewed frequently on such topics as when babies should eat shellfish and the pluses and minuses of 100 percent fruit juice for infants. He has also offered expert testimony for the FDA on these and other topics.
Frank is also a member of the faculty in the University of Wisconsin’s Interdepartmental Graduate Program in Nutritional Sciences (IGPNS), where he is part of a group that attempts to improve the nutritional status of both premature and full-term infants.
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