Kish Parella Co-Organizes Berle XVII Symposium on International Business Transactions The conference is hosted by the Berle Center on Corporations, Law, and Society at the Seattle University School of Law.
On March 21-22, Kish Parella, Class of 1960 Professor of Ethics and Law at Washington and Lee University, is organizing the prestigious Berle corporate law conference in Seattle.
The Berle XVII Symposium is hosted by the Berle Center on Corporations, Law, and Society at the Seattle University School of Law. Professor Chuck O’Kelley, the director of the Center, is the co-organizer of the event.
The title of the conference is “International Business Transactions in a Fragmented World: National Security, Geopolitics, and Corporate Governance.” The event draws together experts from the academy, policy and practice and crosses several disciplines, including national security, commercial law, corporate governance, trade, and antitrust law, among others. The event is intended to explore foundational questions in international business transactions including its scope, disciplinary methodology, current practice and future trends. As part of the symposium, Parella will also moderate “fireside chats” with experts Leigh Ann DeWine, Directory of Human Rights and Social Impact at Amazon, Scott Anderson (Brookings Institute) and Tim Welter (the Potomac Institute).
Parella is a recognized expert in international business transactions and the organizer of several initiatives in the subject, including the Washington and London roundtables on National Security & International Business and a year-long virtual seminar series in international business transactions. She is a Research Member of the European Corporate Governance Institute and an International Research Fellow for Oxford University’s Centre for Corporate Reputation. Parella also serves on the Executive Council of the American Society of International Law (ASIL).
The Berle Center facilitates the study of the constantly evolving American and global economic system, the ongoing struggle for power between and among corporations, governments, individuals, and society, and the role of law in mediating and shaping the nature of our economic relations and institutions. In addition to hosting the annual Berle Symposium, the Center hosts distinguished visiting faculty, and collaborates with Centers and scholars around the world to facilitate groundbreaking interdisciplinary scholarship.
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