LinkedIn's Most Connected Woman
To say that Stacy Donovan Zapar is plugged into the world of social media is to understate the matter considerably.
After working as a recruiter for a number of Fortune 500 tech companies, Stacy, a 1995 graduate of Washington and Lee, has her own firm that specializes in social media recruiting. So she clearly has a good reason to be connected. But there’s connected and then there’s Stacy, who bills herself as the most connected woman on LinkedIn, the popular professional social-networking platform.
Stacy reached 30,000+ first-level connections three years ago, and she blogs and speaks frequently on LinkedIn topics. For instance, just last week she was cited on Huffington Post in a feature about the nine things you should never do on LinkedIn. In this case, she was offering advice on what photographs not to use as your LinkedIn avatar. (Hint: Your avatar shouldn’t be too sexy, too juvenile or too showy, among other things.)
When LinkedIn had 6.5 million of its users’ passwords leaked on the Web earlier this month, Stacy was among the victims. She quickly posted advice about passwords, not only for LinkedIn but for all your social media sites.
LinkedIn is not the only social media tool that Stacy uses. She has a well-read blog where she writes about various social media issues, mostly as they relate to recruiting.
She is also active on Twitter @StacyZapar and has 11,248 followers. You can follow her at @StacyZapar.
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