Mapping the Future
Funny thing about Lexington and Washington and Lee — every year we’re shocked by how quickly the campus becomes deserted after the last diploma is awarded and the last mortarboard is tossed.
That was the case again yesterday, when 395 seniors received their degrees and headed out to, well, everywhere.
To keep track of them, the Office of Web Communications has developed a cool web page called “Where are They Going.” It’s a map where members of the Class of 2011 indicate where they’ll be going and what they’ll be doing once they leave Big Lex. The seniors (now graduates) complete an online form, and their location becomes a flag on the map. Click on the flag and find out who, where, what and, as a bonus, what they’ll miss about the University. Check back as more grads add their information.
And, if you want to know more about what the graduates will miss, we have a random sample of answers to just that question. When the class was assembling for Baccalaureate on Wednesday, News Director Sarah Tschiggfrie roamed around with a Flip camera to get their responses, which are on the video below: