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Meet a Colleague: Brandi Jane Wedgeworth Graham Brandi Jane Wedgeworth Graham is a visiting assistant professor of practice in accounting.

Brandi-Jane-Wedgeworth-Graham-scaled-600x400 Meet a Colleague: Brandi Jane Wedgeworth GrahamBrandi Jane Wedgeworth Graham, assistant visiting professor of practice in accounting

Q. How long have you worked at W&L?
I am wrapping up my second year at W&L.

Q. What courses are you teaching this term?
For Spring Term, I taught Adulting 101 which was a wonderful course to teach. Our goal is to equip our graduating seniors with the skill set to navigate their financial futures.

Q. What is your favorite course to teach, and why?
Adulting 101 was a lot of fun! It is incredibly rewarding to see students with diverse backgrounds and experiences come together to learn about personal finance. I wish this class was offered when I was a senior at W&L!

Q. What do you like most about working at W&L?
The students – I love to learn and the students at W&L do too!

Q. What’s your favorite thing to do when you’re not working?
When I am not on campus or with my daughters, Georgia Kate, Anna Charles and Jane Carlisle, I am either running, reading, dreaming up a fun vacation or at Harden’s on a date with my husband.

Q. Where did you grow up?
I grew up in Hilton Head Island, South Carolina.

Q. What is your desert island food?
Golden Oreo ice cream from Sweet Things!

Q. When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
When I was growing up, I wanted to be a teacher.

Q. Who inspired you to teach? What about them inspired you?
The professors at W&L inspired me to teach. Transitioning from a small high school to W&L, I was concerned about the academic rigor here. The professors showed me that curiosity, hard work and determination were what it really meant to “be smart.” They invested in me, believed in me and encouraged me during my time as a student at W&L. I left W&L with confidence in my ability and I am grateful to this day for their mentorship and guidance.

Q. What is the most adventurous thing that you have ever done?
I ran the London Marathon this year which was an adventure! When I was a student, there was not a study abroad program so I moved to Spain my junior year and registered with the University of Sevilla for a semester. We try to teach our daughters to be adventurous and hopefully moving to Lexington for two years to teach here shows them.

Q. If you could live anywhere, where would you build your dream home?
Lexington! Our family is moving back to Dallas after two fabulous years in Lexington. Lexington holds a special place in our hearts – and always will.

Q. What is your favorite film (movie) of all time?
This is a hard one so I will give you my top three: “The Sound of Music,” “You’ve Got Mail” and “Anne of Green Gables.”

Q. If they made a movie about your life, who would play you?
Megan Follows from “Anne of Green Gables.” Are we not all “so glad [to] live in a world where there are Octobers?”

Q. Tell us something most people don’t know about you.
I played four years of women’s tennis at W&L and the current men’s head coach, David Detwiler, was on the women’s staff my first year. Our senior year we lost to Emory in the National Championship.

Q. Anything else you’d like to share?
After I taught at W&L the first time in 2010, family friends from Lexington introduced me to my husband, Jason, when we were both living in New York City. W&L not only helped me land a job after graduation, but also a husband.