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Meet a Colleague: Cleaveland Candler Cleaveland Candler serves as a technology integration specialist.

Cleaveland-Candler-scaled-600x400 Meet a Colleague: Cleaveland CandlerCleaveland Candler, technology integration specialist

Q. How long have you worked at W&L?
I have been in my current position for just over one year. I also spent a little more than one year working part-time in the IQ Center as well.

Q. What do you like most about working at W&L?
The community – everyone is so friendly and seems genuinely thrilled to be here. It’s infectious!

Q. Where is your favorite location on the W&L campus?
There’s a little stretch of sidewalk between Simpson House and Morris House, lined with young dogwoods on either side. Sometimes I take a longer route across campus just so I can pass through it.

Q. Where did you grow up?
Right here in Lexington!

Q. What advice do you have for students?
Take an art or a building class, even (especially) if you think you aren’t good at it. Few things are as therapeutic as making something with your hands.

Q. What is the most adventurous thing that you have ever done?
I solo-attended a large music festival the year I graduated college. It was really liberating to be in that environment without the need to keep up with anyone else.

Q. What’s your favorite thing to do when you’re not working?
I like to collect and play retro video games from the 1990s and early 2000s. It’s a good way to keep in touch with my childhood.

Q. If you could live anywhere, where would you build your dream home?
As long as there are mountains around, I’m happy.

Q. Who most inspires you?
My partner, Maya, is one of the most driven and capable people I know.

Q. What book are you reading now?
I’m pretty much always flipping through my copy of the “Tao Te Ching.” It’s easy to pick up, read a passage, and put back down – and one of those books you’re never really “done” with.

Q. What music are you listening to these days?
I’ll use this as an opportunity to shamelessly plug my radio show, which you can listen to anytime on SoundCloud. You can also listen on WLUR Thursdays at 10 p.m. or Fridays and Saturdays at midnight.

Q. What is the website you visit most often and why?
Either SoundCloud to scout new music, or the New York Times crossword. I also frequent the XKCD webcomic page.

Q. If they made a movie about your life, who would play you?
Michael Cera, circa 2007, would play me as a teen, but I like to think I’ve grown into more of an Adam Driver type. Maybe that’s wishful thinking.

Q. If you could have coffee with one person, who would it be and why?
I’m a big Alan Watts fan. There are so many recordings of his lectures floating around that it almost feels like I can have a conversation with him any time I like.

Q. What is your desert island food?
Sushi – there’s a limitless supply of fresh fish nearby and I can keep myself busy perfecting the technique.

Q. What is your secret talent?
I recently learned to solve a Rubik’s Cube. Still working on memorizing the algorithms, though.