Mini-Language Classes Offered to Alumni During Reunion Weekend
Washington and Lee University’s Tucker Multimedia Center (TMC) and the departments of modern foreign languages will again offer W&L alumni the opportunity to attend mini-language courses over Reunion Weekend, May 1-3, 2008.
Mini-language classes being taught by modern foreign language faculty at Washington and Lee include French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian, and Spanish. Classes will be approximately 30 minutes each, and run from 3:00-5:00 p.m. on Friday, May 2.
All classes, with the exception of Japanese, will be held in Tucker Hall. Japanese classes will be offered in the newly constructed Japanese Tea Room in the Watson Pavilion on front campus.
Now in its second year, the popular program is spearheaded by Dick Kuettner, director of the TMC and a professor of French and Spanish. “We are unique in offering our alums language classes centered around a central theme,” says Kuettner. “Language study is one of those useful commodities. Who wants to look the fool when traveling abroad or when negotiating a business deal with foreign clients? As we educators stress more and more the necessity and actuality of globalization, it would do us all good to be completely at ease and independent while communicating with others.”
Professors providing instruction are Roger Crockett (German), Patricia Hardin (Italian), Janet Ikeda (Japanese); Greta McCaughrin (Russian), Ivelise Faundez-Reitsma (Spanish), and Dick Kuettner (French).
“The mini-lessons are so much fun to teach because no one is there to complete a distribution requirement,” said Roger Crockett, head of the German department. “There is no homework, no test, nothing that makes us traditionally unpopular with students. And the atmosphere is relaxed, something like an educational KaffeeKlatsch.”
“The TMC and language departments constantly seek to bring the wide world of foreign cultures and languages home to the Washington and Lee campus. And we are very happy to have found another means to this end,” said Kuettner.
For additional information about the Tucker Multimedia Center for Foreign Languages, its services to the community and to the region, please visit