Money Management for Young Adults
When Drew Catanese of the Class of 2004 got his first high school teaching job, he found the process of selecting health insurance plans and 401Ks and home mortgage plans a puzzle for which he was not prepared.
“I remember thinking, ‘I’m a college-educated adult, and I have no idea what all this is about,'” Drew said recently in an interview about his new book, A Pathway to Financial Independence for Young Adults.
Drew describes the book, which was published in June by Authorhouse, as an easy-to-read guide to managing money, from getting out of debt to investing in the stock market to saving for retirement. “Although it could help out almost anyone, the book is specifically directed toward young adults (and recent college graduates who are starting their first jobs) who are learning how to plan for their financial futures,” he added.
Drew has been teaching Spanish while working his master’s degree at Middlebury College. He and his family plan to move to Madrid, where he’ll finish his master’s.
You can find information about Drew’s book on Facebook and can buy it online at Amazon. And you can read an interview with Drew from the Garden City (Kan.) Telegram.
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