More than 10 Cases of H1N1 Influenza Confirmed at W&L
As of Sunday, May 10, the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) had confirmed 11 cases of the H1N1 influenza, or swine flu, among patients at Washington and Lee University. The first cases were announced on May 1.
All of the confirmed cases were mild illnesses, and the individuals were recovering quickly after being treated appropriately by the Student Health Center at W&L.
Student Health has seen individuals presenting flu-like symptoms in higher numbers than is usually the case at this time of year, But Dr. Jane Horton, director of the Student Health Center, has said that the cases are similar to a busy seasonal flu season.
Once the Centers for Disease Control began to change its guidance on the flu, including its recommendation that K-12 schools that had closed reopen, the University altered its approach to the cases accordingly and stopped testing for the virus except in the case of high risk patients.
Beginning even before the first case was seen at Student Health, the University has been communicating with members of the W&L community about taking appropriate measures to stay health and avoid spreading the virus.
A special Web site has been established to provide updates: