New W&L Grad Featured in Roanoke Newspaper
The Roanoke Times focused on a member of Washington and Lee’s graduating class from the Star City in today’s editions, providing a fine profile of Robbie Day. He will graduate today in ceremonies starting at 10 a.m.
Robbie’s memories of his W&L career reached all the way back to the week before he had even matriculated, when he found himself on the Appalachian Trail with some of his new classmates as part of the University’s Leading Edge pre-orientation program. Not a big camping enthusiast before that trip, Robbie told Roanoke Times’ reporter Duncan Adams: “I came back and I thought, ‘The trip was great, but I’ll never do that again.’ ” But he wound up leading later pre-orientation trips, and backpacking trips out of Jackson Hole, Wyo.
That is just one of many examples of how Robbie said he has “changed and grown in crazy amounts of ways” during his four years in Lexington.
A politics major who set up the Mock Convention’s website and developed its real-time Twitter feed, Robbie became fascinated with digital media and hopes to wind up in that field. First, he’ll be spending the next several months working in Ohio as a field organizer for the Obama presidential campaign.
To get a better sense of Robbie’s talents and his interests, have a look at his iPolitech blog, where he writes about the digital campaign strategies in today’s political races.