Caraballo is one of 369 students from across the U.S. to receive the merit scholarship from the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board.
Caraballo is one of 369 students from across the U.S. to receive the merit scholarship from the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board.
The following individuals recently joined the Washington and Lee employee workforce.
Denny Garvis and Zoila Ponce de León presented a two-day online workshop on applying adaptive and interactive learning practices in undergraduate statistics courses.
De Zoysa is the university’s first recipient of the two-year scholarship for juniors interested in a public service career.
The following individuals recently joined the Washington and Lee employee workforce.
Robert Humston will assess over 30 years of data collected by the U.S. Forest Service within the George Washington and Thomas Jefferson National Forests.
Marketplace and Café 77 interior dining renovations near completion; demolition for new Williams School building underway.
The following individuals recently joined the Washington and Lee employee workforce.
Myers serves as a commentator for the series “Dark Marvels,” offering the history behind some of the world’s most diabolical inventions.
Effective Aug. 7, parking in Nelson Street lot will serve only student vehicles with an “RS” permit designation.
Leica Geosystems followed Bent and his team of W&L students on a day spent mapping the city of Florence.
The donation will support the Campus Kitchen Backpack Program.