Reed Bolton Byrum to Give Keynote Address for 49th Institute of Media Ethics
Reed Bolton Byrum, former president and CEO of the Public Relations Society of America, will give the keynote address for Washington and Lee University’s 49th Institute on Media Ethics on Friday, March 12, at 5:30 p.m. in the Stackhouse Theater, Elrod Commons.
The title of Byrum’s talk, which is free and open to the public, is “Into the Vortex of Corporate Social Communications: Ethical Challenges and Shortcuts in the Age of New Media.”
Byrum, a leading innovator with 20 years of Silicon Valley and Austin, Texas, experiences, is expert at positioning small- to mid-sized companies in business-to-business marketplaces and the financial markets.
Byrum has served as a corporate executive for companies, ranging from small tech companies like Trilogy and RightNow Technologies to the Fortune 100 companies like EDS and GE Capital.
The talk is sponsored by the Knight Program in Journalism Ethics and the department of journalism and mass communications.