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Summer Experience: Cody Losey ’26L Cody Losey spent the summer as a student caseworker in the Black Lung Clinic.

codylosey-800x533 Summer Experience: Cody Losey '26LCody Losey ’26L

Cody Losey ‘26L is a second-year law student at W&L Law and is originally from Tucson, Arizona. He is an active member of the W&L community, serving as Managing Editor for the Fall Edition of the Law News, President of the Strength Club, and captain of an LSFL football team. This past summer he spent his time in Lexington working in the Advanced Administrative Litigation Clinic (“Black Lung Clinic”). Next summer, he plans on working at Woods Rogers in Roanoke, VA.

How did you find/get this position?

The Office of Career Strategy at W&L Law had posted about the position. I sent the coordinator an email to organize an interview and was offered the job shortly after.

Describe your work experience.

It was tough but incredible. There was never a shortage of deadlines or important work that needed to be done. Within two weeks of starting the position, I was drafting a closing argument for a client’s claim – it was trial by fire. There wasn’t always time to ask questions, so I had to learn to be very independent and creative. At first – like anything – you struggle. However, if you keep trying and improving, it starts to get much easier and the work gets less overwhelming.

What were some skills you developed this summer?

Communicating and attention to detail. I was fortunate to have an incredibly meticulous supervising attorney who was willing to walk me through where I needed to improve. Feedback wasn’t always good, but it was always constructive. I’m immensely grateful to have had that sort of individualized mentorship for my first summer job.

What did you enjoy about living in Lexington this summer? What activities did you participate in?

Lexington is great during the summer. A good amount of the community leaves, so the town feels almost empty. Every week, my girlfriend and I would go swimming in the Maury or fishing. We would explore shops and restaurants downtown and spend whatever free time we had outdoors.

What was your favorite aspect of this summer work experience?

My favorite aspect of my summer work experience is I feel like I got to sincerely contribute to the legal profession and help my clients. It didn’t feel like I was being given busy work or unimportant research assignments – I was expected to work at a high level. I worked a lot more hours than a lot of my classmates, but I feel like the experience is worth it.

Has this experience helped you figure out post graduate plans, and if so, how?

Absolutely, employers really value the experience from the Black Lung Clinic. I’m certain that it helped me in my 2L summer job search. Additionally, I feel like the exposure to litigation (working with deadlines, coordinating discovery, filing motions) assured me that litigation work is something that I hold a sincere interest in pursuing. As someone who doesn’t come from a legal background, that sort of assurance is comforting.

How do you think this experience will shape the rest of your time at W&L Law?

It gives me an appreciation for the staff and faculty at W&L Law – I saw firsthand the amount of work and care they put into ensuring the students get a top-notch legal education. My time at the clinic also showed me how important hands-on legal experience can be for a student – it really elevates things.

Outside Law School


Staunton Makerspace, 3D Printing, Weightlifting

Book/Podcast Recommendation

“Stuff You Should Know”

Favorite thing to do in Lexington

Swimming in the river and driving through the mountains