Chris Seaman to Deliver Lecture in Honor of His Appointment to the Robert E.R. Huntley Professorship
Seaman’s talk will be held Oct. 8 in the Millhiser Moot Court Room.
Seaman’s talk will be held Oct. 8 in the Millhiser Moot Court Room.
Two articles by Washington and Lee law professor Chris Seaman were cited in a ruling that bans nearly all noncompete agreements.
The article examines confidentiality agreements that operate to prevent employees from accepting new positions under threat of breach of contract.
Seaman joined the Washington and Lee Law faculty in 2012. His research and teaching interests include intellectual property, property, and election law and voting rights.
The Frances Lewis Law Center at W&L Law has secured carbon offsets to address the Center’s impacts on climate change.
Prof. Chris Seaman, along with coauthor Thuan Tran '21L, published “Intellectual Property and Tabletop Games.”