The W&L professor of art history attends conference exploring and celebrating Surrealism in Italy.
The W&L professor of art history attends conference exploring and celebrating Surrealism in Italy.
Elliott King offered his expertise on the authenticity of an AI-generated Dalí voice used for an exhibit at the Dalí Museum in St. Petersburg, Florida.
‘Salvador Dalí: Les Chants de Maldoror’ features original etchings from the surrealist and will run from Jan. 11 through Feb. 8.
Elliott King was elected to the position at the organization’s 2023 conference.
Greub will explore physical and emotional responses to Twombly’s works in his Oct. 16 lecture in Northen Auditorium.
Elliott King profiled the renowned artist for ‘The Journal of Surrealism and the Americas.’
Students in Elliott King’s Spring Term class, “Modern Art in Barcelona,” are being steeped in Spanish art, history and architecture during an unforgettable educational trip to Barcelona and Madrid.
When she isn't keeping the offices of Lifelong Learning and Institutional History humming, Emily King likes to spend time with her family, bake and collect more books than she will ever read.