As part of the Sydney Internship and Study Abroad Program, Mariam Samuel '20 is taking courses at the University of Sydney and interning at Wheatley Wealth Management.
As part of the Sydney Internship and Study Abroad Program, Mariam Samuel '20 is taking courses at the University of Sydney and interning at Wheatley Wealth Management.
Teresa Aires Rodrigues is spending her winter term in Sydney, Australia.
Although I always imagined myself studying abroad in Europe, after a Spring Term in Copenhagen my sophomore year, I was ready to explore a completely different area of the world.
While everyone else is screaming at their computers trying to weave through the web advisor woes and figure out how many times they are going to have to walk back to third-year housing that day, I have had the opportunity to do something that not many W&L students get to do right in the middle of junior year: explore a new, unfamiliar city and have an invaluable internship experience.