Washington and Lee's Leading Edge program welcomed the Class of 2027 to campus with dynamic programs designed to build community.
Washington and Lee's Leading Edge program welcomed the Class of 2027 to campus with dynamic programs designed to build community.
Schwartz hopes to enter the medical field to continue helping people.
Bri Mondesir ’22 has found her purpose through volunteer work in the Rockbridge area community as a scholar in the Bonner Program at W&L.
The W&L campus is buzzing with life again as students arrive for athletic practice, Pre-Orientation trips and other adventures to usher in Fall Term.
Working with Campus Kitchen at Washington and Lee has made Hannah Witherell '20 determined to continue helping others after she leaves W&L.
Fon Teawdatwan '19 has led three service trips to Charleston, West Virginia, for Volunteer Venture, a service-learning, pre-orientation program for incoming students.
Hannah Denham '20 has combined business journalism with women and gender studies at W&L to create a liberal arts education that suits her interests and ambition.
Peyton Powers '18 says studying poverty has helped him understand that "humans cannot be divorced from the dignity that is concomitant to life."