Q&A with Professor Jeff Shay and Matthew Rickert '18 about the 2017 Entrepreneurship Summit.
Q&A with Professor Jeff Shay and Matthew Rickert '18 about the 2017 Entrepreneurship Summit.
“Maternal Instincts,” a selection of work from the Scanner Obscura and Roots & Nests projects by Christa Bowden, will open on Sept. 11 in the Williams Gallery of Huntley Hall at Washington and Lee University and will remain on view until Dec. 11.
Currently showing in the Williams School Gallery in Huntley Hall at Washington and Lee University is an exhibit of oil paintings by Fran R. Peppers. The show's title is "Life's Moments" and runs through July 1, 2015. It is free and open to the public.
An exhibit of photographs, "Women Beyond Western Borders," by Florinda Ruiz, will be the first exhibit of the 2014-2015 academic year in Williams Gallery in Huntley Hall at Washington and Lee University. The show will run from Sept. 15 through Jan. 15, 2015.
"Inside/Outside," paintings by artist and teacher Philip Geiger, will be on display at the McCarthy Gallery in Holekamp Hall at Washington and Lee University from Sept. 15 to Dec. 15.
A new exhibit of paintings, "All My Friends and Enemies," by Elise Schweitzer, is on display at the Williams Gallery in Huntley Hall at Washington and Lee University from Jan. 15-May 15, 2014.
"Relics," an exhibit of photo documentation of sculptures installed in Italy, by Char Norman, will be on display at the McCarthy Gallery in Holekamp Hall at Washington and Lee University from Sept. 1 to Dec. 30.
"Taking on Tradition: Six Young Virginia Painters and Printmakers," the newest exhibit in The Williams School Gallery in Huntley Hall at Washington and Lee University, opens Sept. 15 and runs until Dec. 15. "Taking on Tradition" is an invitational group show of young artists working in the two-dimensional art mediums of drawing, printmaking and painting. […]