W&L Alumnus Wins National Award for Columns
The Society of Professional Journalists/Sigma Delta Chi (SPJ) awarded Steve Matrazzo, a member of Washington and Lee’s Class of 1984, its award for general column writing for newspapers with daily circulations of less than 100,000 and non-daily newspapers.
Steve is editor of the Dundalk Eagle, a weekly paper in suburban Baltimore. What made the national honor even more impressive is how infrequently the award has gone to a writer from a non-daily newspaper. As the Eagle reported, Sigma Delta Chi records indicate it’s only the sixth time that a non-daily writer has been recognized.
The author of the paper’s “Talk of the Town” column, Steve had spent 20 years in manufacturing before he joined the Eagle in 2006. He has written his column since 2009 and was named editor of the paper in 2010.
He submitted five of his columns to the contest. You can read one of the entries on the Society for Professional Journalists’ site: “Rage against what is being done in the shadows.”
In the Eagle story announcing his award, Steve said: “This award is a big thing to me personally, of course, but it’s also an important affirmation for The Eagle and for the many community newspapers that aspire to provide quality journalism to their readers.”
Steve’s work has previously been recognized by awards from the National Newspaper Association, the Maryland-Delaware-District of Columbia Press Association and the Maryland Chapter of SPJ.
Earlier, the SPJ recognized Washington and Lee students in its District 2 competition.
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