Wolves, Bison and Pronghorn Antelope, Oh My!
Biology professor Bill Hamilton and his Spring Term class are out in Yellowstone where they are conducting research invasive plant species and “their impacts on soil nitrogen cycling and organic matter decomposition.” Here’s some background on the research that Bill does. When they aren’t out in the field collecting samples or in the lab examining them, they are chronicling their work on a blog where you can already see that they’re definitely not in Lexington any more. Not only have they posted a cool gallery of images, including a wolf waiting to dine on an elk, several bison, a bald eagle and Rocky Mountain bluebirds, but they’ve got some video taken with a Flip MinoHD Camcorder. You’ll want to follow this blog throughout the term. Based on the first few days, odds are good that they’ll have lots of interesting images to see before they finish their work. You’re apt to see a few more photo galleries like this one.