W&L's Washington Symposium on C-SPAN
Back in May, Washington and Lee was host to the Washington Term Symposium at the National Press Club where Bill Connelly of th politics department led a panel in a discussion of the balance of powers between the Obama Administration and Congress. The symposium was titled “President vs. Congress: An Imbalance of Powers?” A telecast of the event has been playing on C-SPAN the last few weeks, but you may not be able to catch it unless you’re checking the C-SPAN schedule on a pretty regularly or happen to see the Washington and Lee banner while channel surfing. But there is a way to watch on C-SPAN’s Web site now. Here’s the link to the video. The panel comprised Terry Eastland, publisher of The Weekly Standard; Shailagh Murray, congressional correspondent for The Washington Post; Chip Reid, chief White House correspondent for CBS News; and Don Wolfensberger, director of the Congress Project at the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington. The C-SPAN Web site described the findings this way: “The panelists agreed that the George W. Bush Administration significantly expanded the authority of the Executive Branch, while disagreeing about the implications of this expansion on the perception of Congress on the presidency.” Have a look.