Negin Farahmand Wood is Senior Assistant Public Defender at Office of the Public Defender for Fairfax County.
Negin Farahmand Wood is Senior Assistant Public Defender at Office of the Public Defender for Fairfax County.
The Oct. 5 event is free and open to the W&L community.
The W&L community is invited to the 2023 Convocation on the Front Lawn on Sept. 7 at 5:30 p.m.
“Ethics of Design” kicks off Sept. 21 with a keynote address by MIT Professor Danielle Wood.
The solo exhibition will run from Sept. 4 through Oct. 25 and kicks off the gallery’s fall season.
"W&L After Class" invites listeners to join conversations with W&L's expert faculty about their teaching, research and passion projects.
Caroline Wise ’23 is working as a backcountry guide for St. Elias Alpine Guides in Alaska.
Jon Shapiro is a Professor of Practice who has taught at W&L for 13 years.
Prof. Kish Parella published "International Law in the Boardroom."
Myers serves as a commentator for the series “Dark Marvels,” offering the history behind some of the world’s most diabolical inventions.