Arianna Kiaei ‘25L and Zoe Speas ‘25L were honored for their contributions to the Law Review
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The solo exhibition will run from Sept. 5 through Oct. 18 in Lykes Atrium.
The solo exhibition will run from Sept. 5 through Oct. 18 and kicks off the gallery’s fall season.
Through the Davis Projects for Peace Grant and a Fulbright ETA, Allie Stankewich ’23 is building relationships with the communities she serves in East Africa.
Prof. Starski will contribute to the law school’s comparative law seminar, which surveys German law and legal culture.
Enrick Dickey is from Sumter, South Carolina and received his undergraduate degree from Auburn University.
Mikki Brock will perform research leading to a new book at the Wellesley College-based academic center this year.
Matching challenge aims to help alleviate student debt.
The collaborative grant will be used to build a transformative educational assessment of creative thinking for STEM education and research.
Elka Prechel ’26 was inspired by a Spring Term Abroad to explore her passion for teaching in France and Italy this summer.