Negin Farahmand Wood is Senior Assistant Public Defender at Office of the Public Defender for Fairfax County.
All Stories In Chronological Order
The Oct. 5 event is free and open to the W&L community.
The W&L community is invited to the 2023 Convocation on the Front Lawn on Sept. 7 at 5:30 p.m.
“Ethics of Design” kicks off Sept. 21 with a keynote address by MIT Professor Danielle Wood.
The solo exhibition will run from Sept. 4 through Oct. 25 and kicks off the gallery’s fall season.
"W&L After Class" invites listeners to join conversations with W&L's expert faculty about their teaching, research and passion projects.
Caroline Wise ’23 is working as a backcountry guide for St. Elias Alpine Guides in Alaska.
Jon Shapiro is a Professor of Practice who has taught at W&L for 13 years.
Prof. Kish Parella published "International Law in the Boardroom."
Myers serves as a commentator for the series “Dark Marvels,” offering the history behind some of the world’s most diabolical inventions.