Alumni Spotlight: Adam Hawks ’23L Adam Hawks is an associate at Patten, Wornom, Hatten & Diamonstein, L.C. in Newport News.
Adam Hawks ‘23L is an associate at Patten, Wornom, Hatten & Diamonstein, L.C. in Newport News, Virginia. He recently litigated and won a two-week wrongful death trial with firm partners Robert Hatten ‘72L and Hugh McCormick III ’89. Full coverage of the trial is available online at the Daily Press website.
Why is it important for law alumni to give back to the next generation of W&L lawyers?
The W&L Law alumni helped answer my law career questions and guide me into the right field of law to practice. The alumni donations helped pay for the printing of the bar exam study guide, which played a critical part in my passing the bar exam and obtaining my license. Finally, it was the alumni network who provided me with my job out of law school. I do not know where I would be without the active presence of the W&L Law alumni.
What was your favorite memory/class/or experience during your time at W&L Law?
There was not one favorite moment, class, or experience that I had at W&L; there were many. I loved the way Professor Murchison would adjust his tie when he became enthusiastic about Administrative Law. I loved hanging out with my classmates on the weekends and exploring Lexington’s great outdoors. But, I have to give special appreciation to two professors, Professors Brandon Hasbrouck and Tim MacDonnell.
I loved all my classes with Professor Hasbrouck because he loves teaching law, helping his students grow and become passionate about the law, and going to bat for each student. That said, my appreciation for Professor Hasbrouck goes beyond the classroom. I remember the first day I met Professor Hasbrouck. It was my first year, and I was a frightened law student. He was sitting at a table outside the law school when he waved me over and introduced himself to me. He asked how I was doing and gave me his phone number so I could ask him any questions about my law classes. I never had a professor give me his phone number, let alone be willing to help a student who did not have any classes with him. His willingness to go above and beyond to help all students at W&L is something that I will always admire and cherish.
Like Professor Hasbrouck, Professor MacDonnell loves his students and goes to bat for them. I loved working with Professor MacDonnell in the Advanced Administrative Law Clinic (Black Lung). The work there made me a better law student and lawyer. I remember what Professor MacDonnell said to me on my first day as a summer clerk at the Clinic: the work here is “like drinking from a firehose.” Even though I was drinking from a firehouse, I always found him willing to help and guide me into producing quality work. I am the lawyer or person I am today because of Professors Hasbrouck and MacDonnell.
If you know any W&L alumni who would be great profile subjects, tell us about them! Nominate them for a web profile.
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