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Career Paths: Sabrina Callender-Clewett ’25L After graduation, Sabrina Callender-Clewett will join Alston & Bird’s Corporate Transactions and Securities group located in Palo Alto, California.

Sabrina-Callender-Clewettcrop-911x768 Career Paths: Sabrina Callender-Clewett '25LSabrina Callender-Clewett ’25L

Sabrina Callender-Clewett ‘25L is from sunny Manhattan Beach, California. In 2019, Sabrina graduated from Colgate University, where she majored in philosophy and double minored in economics and environmental studies. After completing her undergraduate degree, Sabrina worked as a paralegal for three years at a large law firm in Washington, D.C. At W&L, she serves as a Senior Articles Editor on the German Law Journal, Legal Writing Burks Scholar for Professor Weiss, Treasurer of the Women Law Students Organization (WLSO), ELS, and Law Students of California, and is a Judicial Extern for the Honorable Christopher B. Russell in Rockbridge County Circuit Court. After graduation, she will join Alston & Bird’s Corporate Transactions and Securities group located in Palo Alto, CA.

Did you know coming into law school that you wanted to work in this field?

Upon matriculation, I had an inkling that transactional work was the type of work I would enjoy, but certainly did not know for sure. Thankfully, my summer employment opportunities provided multiple chances for me to explore various sectors of the law on the ground. Witnessing different aspects of legal work in practice, as opposed to within the framework of the classroom, reaffirmed my interest in corporate work.

What role did the size and location of the firm play in the search and decision process?

After some soul searching, and many discussions with W&L Law alumni during my 1L summer, I set my sights on returning home to California. I knew I wanted to begin my career at a large firm and wanted to work in a corporate group. Those criteria alone were helpful parameters in assisting my job search and eventual decision. As someone who changed her major three times in undergrad, narrowing down my interests has always been tough! But pinpointing the size, location, and practice group I wanted was incredibly helpful in my employment search.

Was there anything in your law school or summer job experience that confirmed this career choice?

I cannot say enough nice things about the attorneys I worked with at Alston & Bird this past summer. Partners were not only accessible, but on multiple instances took the initiative to bring me in on calls and involve me in matters they were working on. Associates took the time to provide fulsome feedback and sat down with me to talk through certain particularities relating to deal documents. Aside from being excellent attorneys, the individuals I met this summer were great people and I look forward to working with them. Furthermore, Professor Stanton’s Mergers & Acquisitions course this semester has reaffirmed my interest in the subject matter.

What classes do you think are helpful to prepare for this job?

If you are interested in corporate work, specifically Mergers & Aquisitions (M&A) work, I’d highly recommend taking Business Associations, M&A, as well as Securities Regulation. Additionally, I’ve heard that fluency with tax implications can be very helpful. But most importantly, take the classes that interest you and grow your understanding of things you are curious about. Any class that improves your ability to be both a student and a teacher will benefit you in practice because you will need to be a lifelong student and teacher while practicing.

Can you describe the job search process?

The job search process is full of highs, lows, and ever-present anxiety. But digging deep to intentionally engage in the process will yield rewards. Especially if you are targeting a region farther from the location of your law school, you will face periods of eerie silence regarding job applications. Do not give up! Be intentional with the networking you do and be honest in the applications you send. Investing the time and energy in finding the best fit for your summer job will benefit both you and your future employer greatly.

What are you most looking forward to about this job?

I am most looking forward to learning by doing. All the intricacies involved in M&A transactions are not things that can be learned from one summer, one semester, or even one year. I am excited to join A&B’s Corporate Transactions and Securities group and continue growing my understanding and competency as a corporate attorney.

Outside Law School


Pickleball & Law School Football League (LSFL)

Favorite Location in Lexington/W&L Campus

The lawn in front of the Colonnade and Pure Eats.

Advice for Prospective Law Student

Work hard and remain humble.

Something/Someone you will miss at W&L Law

I will miss working with my fellow students and W&L professors, but hope that our paths will cross in the future.