ESOL + CKWL = Stronger Connections
Two Washington and Lee student organizations that serve the Lexington and Rockbridge County community have joined forces for an inventive new program.
The Campus Kitchen at Washington and Lee and the University’s English for Speakers of Other Languages program are sponsoring “Lazos Más Fuertes” events this spring. Scheduled for the cafeteria of Waddell Elementary School in Lexington, the first of the programs is on April 15 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
According to Jenny Sproul, Campus Kitchen coordinator, Lazos Más Fuertes will provide free, nutritious meals to Spanish-speaking families in Lexington and the surrounding area. In addition to the great food CKWL serves, English tutors from ESOL will be available to teach classes, answer questions, and provide more information about ESOL’s services. Subsequent meals are scheduled for April 29, May 6, and May 20. The program will resume in the fall.
Daneille Briedung, a first-year student in ESOL, is spearheading the event. “‘Lazos Más Fuertes'” means stronger connections or linkages,” Danielle says. “Ideally, the partnership between ESOL and the Campus Kitchen will strengthen relationships within the local Hispanic population, and enhance attendees’ English skills such that they are better equipped to communicate with the larger community.”
Volunteers are needed to serve the food, which will be prepared at the Campus Kitchen ahead of time; lead English classes for adults; tutor individuals one-on-one and answer questions; and play educational and fun activities with the children.
To volunteer, contact either Jenny at Campus Kitchen at 540-458-5035 or or Daniel at