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JCRSJ Symposium to Explore Free Expression in the Classroom The March 21 event will explore privacy, censorship, and freedom of expression in educational settings.

matthewshaw-450x400 JCRSJ Symposium to Explore Free Expression in the ClassroomProfessor Matthew Shaw will deliver the keynote address for the JCRSJ Symposium.

On Friday, March 21, the Washington and Lee Law Journal of Civil Rights and Social Justice will host its annual symposium. The event will be held from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the Millhiser Moot Court Room, Sydney Lewis Hall, on the W&L campus.

This year’s symposium is titled “Conflict in the Classroom and Beyond” and will explore privacy, censorship, and freedom of expression in education settings. The keynote speaker for the event is Matthew Shaw, a professor of law at Vanderbilt University. His scholarship focuses on the intersection of federal law and educational policy and explores education rights and regulations through critical legal history, doctrinal analysis, and econometric policy studies.

Topics during the symposium include Privacy and Technology in Schools, Classroom Censorship and Book Bans, and Freedom of Expression in Education. More information about the event, including a list of participants and the full schedule, is available online.

For questions regarding the event, contact Katherine Berman at kberman@law.wlu.edu.

The Washington and Lee Journal of Civil Rights and Social Justice (JCRSJ) is a biannual scholarly publication focusing on legal issues that affect historically underrepresented classes of persons. JCRSJ has published articles covering a wide variety of subject matters, including real estate, education, healthcare, family, environment, public welfare, and international rights. JCRSJ‘s mission is to explore the intersection of majority and minority culture through discrete legal issues. To that end, JCRSJ seeks to provide a space for scholars of all persuasions to expand and develop a theoretical, critical, and socially relevant dialogue with the legal community.