Lynn Rainville discusses her research and field work with Black cemeteries.
Lynn Rainville discusses her research and field work with Black cemeteries.
Moye-Green will attend the PPIA Junior Summer Institute at Princeton.
Six students and three alumni from W&L received Fulbright awards for academic year 2021-2022
Washington and Lee University is proud to announce this year’s Distinguished Five-Star Alumni Award winners, Preston C. Manning Jr., '52, Henry Coke Morgan Jr., '57,'60L, Charles E. Commander '62.
The three-night miniseries airs on the History Channel beginning Feb. 20 at 8 p.m.
Dudley will continue working at W&L in a half-time capacity as senior advisor to the vice president for University Advancement handling various alumni affairs-related duties.
Taha Khan, assistant professor of computer science at W&L, offers insights and advice about cyber security in the latest episode of "W&L After Class: The Lifelong Learning Podcast."
McLemore and Hollis will be sworn in at the board’s spring meeting.
This year’s Souper Bowl raised $5,627 to support the Campus Kitchen at W&L’s Backpack Program.
Michelle Brock and Holly Pickett are the Harte Center Faculty Teaching Scholar Grant recipients.
The founder and chairman emeritus of The Duchossois Group, horse racing icon and generous benefactor of W&L was 100.
Professor of Politics Rebecca Harris recently published "Party Food: A Partisan History of Food & Farming in America."