Membership in HathiTrust allows the W&L community to access millions of digital books that the university does not have in print in the Leyburn, Telford or Law libraries.
Membership in HathiTrust allows the W&L community to access millions of digital books that the university does not have in print in the Leyburn, Telford or Law libraries.
Chris Gavaler and Nathaniel Goldberg published “Superhero Thought Experiments.”
The Research Handbook on Child Soldiers brings to bear a unique array of perspectives to unpack the life-cycle of youth and militarization—from recruitment, to demobilization, and return to civilian life.
The talk is free and open to the public, and refreshments will be provided.
A new book by Harvey Markowitz, associate professor of anthropology, examines Native Americans and Catholic missionaries.
Three members of the Washington and Lee community will see their literary work highlighted this week at the Virginia Festival of the Book, in Charlottesville.