Lawyer and Historian Paul Lombardo to Deliver Lecture on Buck v. Priddy Court Case
The Nov. 18 lecture is open to the public and marks the centenary of the case argued in Amherst County, Virginia.
The Nov. 18 lecture is open to the public and marks the centenary of the case argued in Amherst County, Virginia.
Woody, a corporate law scholar, and Drumbl, an expert in international law, were recognized for their outstanding scholarly work.
Professors Joshua Fairfield and Kish Parella were recognized for their outstanding scholarly work.
The Frances Lewis Law Center at W&L Law has secured carbon offsets to address the Center’s impacts on climate change.
Lewis Law Center Scholar-in-Residence Matthew Shaw will give a talk on the educational jurisprudence of Justice Lewis Powell.
Washington and Lee Law Professor Christopher Bruner will direct the Frances Lewis Law Center, the independently funded faculty research and support arm of W&L Law.