Soon Ho spends his days in Australia studying at the University of Sydney and interning at Greencross Limited, Australia's largest pet care company.
Soon Ho spends his days in Australia studying at the University of Sydney and interning at Greencross Limited, Australia's largest pet care company.
The program helps American students secure three-month long business internships in Germany.
A grant from the Endeavor Foundation allowed engineering students Alfred Rwagaju '18 and Kennedy Gibson-Wynn '18 to spend the summer studying hydroelectric power in Rwanda.
Alora Martin, who is participating in an intensive language program for Arabic in Amman, Jordan, sees studying abroad as a necessary part of a modern education.
For World Thinking Day, W&L's foreign language teaching assistants led local Girl Scouts in a variety of internationally themed activities.
Mengsu Kong is one of seven foreign languaga teaching assistants on the W&L campus this year.
The Dyson Foundation of Millbrook, N.Y., has made a $2.5 million grant to Washington and Lee University to develop the University’s new Center for Global Learning.