Mouton entered college with plans to be a surgeon, but a sociology class changed his career path.
Mouton entered college with plans to be a surgeon, but a sociology class changed his career path.
W&L's Law, Justice and Society minor examines legal concepts from an interdisciplinary lens.
As head hearing advisor for the Honor System, Gammage helped steward the ‘bedrock of what makes W&L an incredible academic institution.’
Laura Murambadoro ’26 brings varied interests, a collaborative leadership style and a passion for community engagement to W&L’s campus.
Mathen’s talk “Dilemmas of Democracy” will be held Nov. 13.
Timothy Lubin and Anthony Edwards both presented at the event held in Berlin earlier this month.
Brendan Smith ’24 worked in the British House of Commons as a parliamentary research intern in London.
Margaret Witkofsky '24 is researching grants for the city of Lexington, Virginia through her internship with the Office of Community-Based Learning.