Nick Mosher '22 always finds support at W&L, whether he's writing a thesis on Russian politics, starting an online human rights newspaper or helping the football team win ODACs.
Nick Mosher '22 always finds support at W&L, whether he's writing a thesis on Russian politics, starting an online human rights newspaper or helping the football team win ODACs.
Becoming a part of the Outing Club at Washington and Lee completely changed Matt Richards's college experience. "My time with the Outing Club has without a doubt had the biggest impact on my time here," he said.
Senior Stephanie Williams '18 says W&L's First-Generation Low-Income Partnership (FLIP) gave her support to overcome obstacles and mentor other low-income students.
This marks the third time since 2006 that the orchestra, previously known as Chamber Orchestra Kremlin, has performed at W&L.
Olga Dunaevskaya is one of seven foreign language teaching assistants at W&L this year.