W&L Honors Retirees, Other Employees
Six retiring staff members with a combined 163 years of service to Washington and Lee were honored at the University’s annual Employee Recognition Banquet on Thursday, April 18.
In addition, the University recognized employees who were celebrating their 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th, 30th, 35th and 40th anniversaries at the institution.
Pictured here are the three retirees who attended the banquet.
The retirees:
- Linda J. Davis, 14 years, administrative assistant, Physics and Engineering Department;
- Joan S. Kasper, 17 years, administrative assistant, Law Library;
- William Mack, 41 years, Heating/Cooling Plant, Facilities Management;
- Nellie M. Rice, 53 years, most recently executive assistant, Student Affairs;
- Jane W. Stokes, 16 years, accounts payable coordinator, Business Office;
- Michael L. Young, 22 years, director of Public Safety.
40 Years’ Service
Thomas A. Bane (P.E., Athletics and Recreation) and Nadine R. Staton (Cafe 77)
35 Years’ Service
Leroy C. Atkins II (Development), Robert P. Fure (Special Programs), Linda F. Johnson (School of Law), Edward W. Mays (Auxiliary Services), Jane B. Smith (Development), Kathy B. Wallace (Facilities Management), Mary S. Woodson (Communications and Public Affairs)
30 Years’ Service
Carol J. Blair (University Library), Sue V. Bryant (Business Office), Robert C. Ferguson (Facilities Management), Barbara D. Higgins (Chemistry Department), Loretta W. Persinger (Law Library), Stephen T. Tomlinson (Public Safety)
25 Years’ Service
Deborah Z. Caylor (Business Office), John L. Coffey (Facilities Management), Janice R. Downey (Counseling Services), Robert W. Dunlap (Marketplace), Earl T. Edwards Jr. (Information Technology Services), Karen V. Hite (University Registrar), Jane T. Horton (Student Health Services), Garland (Eddie) Irvine Jr. (P.E., Athletics and Recreation), Wanda B. McDaniel (Marketplace), Michael E. Moore (Facilities Management), Deborah H. Weinerth (Facilities Management), Bernard R. Wilkerson, Jr. (Information Technology Services)
20 Years’ Service
Dana A. Camper (Information Technology Services), Mark C. Fontenot (Facilities Management), Rebecca C. Lewis (Facilities and Capital Planning), Barbara W. Mollica (University Advancement), Cynthia J. Morton (University Library), Gail A. Nicely (Development), Elizabeth J. Porterfield (Facilities Management), Tony L. Stinnett (Public Safety), Suzanne M. Wade (Law School Career Planning), Barbara J. Woolston (Student Health Services)
15 Years’ Service
Sandra S. Beverly (Development), Jacque L. Bruce (German and Russian), Theresa N. Evans (Law School Career Planning), Larry W. Fitzgerald (Power Plant), Coline E. Hartless (Facilities Management), John G. Keyser (School of Law), Robert M. Moore (Facilities Management), Denise Neuhs (Public Safety), Jeffrey L. Overholtzer (Information Technology Services), Sharon K. Sarno (Cafe 77), Faye E. Silvea (Business Office), N. Joanna Smith (University Registrar), Michael Todd (Journalism and Mass Communications), Rosa M. Weeks (Alumni Affairs)
10 Years’ Service
Maria C. Barongan (Counseling Service), John E. Bulger (Public Safety), Julie A. Campbell (Communications and Public Affairs), Catherine A.R. Coleman (Business Office), James Dick (Campus Activities), Bonnie K. Gates (Law Library), Carol H. Karsch (University Library), Mary C. Miller (Financial Aid), Barbara L. Rowe (University Registrar), Jonathan A. Webster (University Admissions), Jessica L. Willett (Communications and Public Affairs)