W&L Participates in Statewide Tornado Drill
Washington and Lee University will participate in the Commonwealth of Virginia’s statewide tornado drill scheduled for Tuesday, March 20.
As part of the drill, Washington and Lee will test its emergency communications systems at approximately 10 a.m. that day. Those systems include the e2Campus text alert system as well as University mass email, electronic message boards, Twitter, and Facebook postings.
Because of the active severe weather season from last year in which 51 tornadoes hit Virginia, everyone in the W&L community should become familiar with basic information on tornadoes.
- A Tornado Watch means that conditions are favorable for a tornado and that tornadoes are possible.
- A Tornado Warning means that a tornado has been sighted or has been indicated by National Weather Service Doppler radar and might be headed your way. When a warning is issued, take cover immediately.
See the Virginia Department of Emergency Management website for more basic information on tornados.