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W&L’s Staniar Gallery Presents ‘Guerrilla Girls: The Art of Behaving Badly’ The acclaimed group is known worldwide for promoting social justice and human rights for all people and genders. The virtual exhibit and lecture are free and open to the public.

Guerrilla-Girls W&L's Staniar Gallery Presents 'Guerrilla Girls: The Art of Behaving Badly'Photo © Andrew Hindraker Guerrilla Girls artists Kathe Kollwitz, Zubeida Agha and Frida Kahlo during a press preview for an exhibition of works by the Guerrilla Girls titled “Not Ready To Make Nice: 30 Years And Still Counting,” at the Abrams Art Center, 466 Grand St, New York, NY on Thursday, April 30, 2015.
Photograph by Andrew Hinderaker

Washington and Lee University’s Staniar Gallery opened their latest exhibit, “Guerrilla Girls: The Art of Behaving Badly,” on August 24, 2020. The gallery will present a virtual public lecture with the artists, acclaimed feminist activists the Guerrilla Girls, on Oct. 7 at 5:30 p.m. via Livestream.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Staniar Gallery is only open to members of the W&L community via swipe card access to Wilson Hall between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. The public can access the virtual exhibit at http://go.wlu.edu/guerrilla-girls-virtual-exhibit and access the Livestream at http://go.wlu.edu/guerrilla-girls-livestream-access. Both the virtual gallery and the streamed lecture are free and open to the public.

Guerrilla Girls, established in 1985, is an anonymous group of feminist female artists devoted to fighting sexism and racism within the art world. The group was formed to draw attention to gender and racial inequality in museums, galleries and cultural institutions. To preserve their anonymity and keep the focus on the issues, members wear gorilla masks in public and take the names of deceased female artists. Their posters, stickers and street projects use facts and statistics infused with humor to call attention to corruption and gender and ethnic bias in the arts community. The group has spread its message of social justice and human rights for all people and genders worldwide.

“Naturally, we are disappointed that the Guerrilla Girls cannot be here on campus as planned due to COVID-19,” said Clover Archer, director of Staniar Gallery. “However, their mission of using art to activate social justice is incredibly relevant right now given recent events in the world and locally in our own communities. We are thrilled to be bringing this important programming to W&L.”

The Staniar Gallery is located on the second floor of Wilson Hall in Washington and Lee University’s Lenfest Center for the Arts. For more information, please call 540-458-8861.