Mock Convention made its Spring Kickoff event an informative preview of upcoming convention conversations.
Mock Convention made its Spring Kickoff event an informative preview of upcoming convention conversations.
Alvin Wheeler is the assistant director of dining operations.
The following individuals recently joined the Washington and Lee employee workforce.
With the final round of application decisions released on March 24, W&L’s newest class begins to take shape.
The Beinecke Scholarship Program provides funds for post-graduate study to students of unusual promise.
Professor Farr is a widely published authority on Great Britain and British foreign relations.
“We Love Life Whenever We Can” will be on display at W&L’s Leyburn Library April 1 through Dec. 8, 2023.
Johanna Bond, Sydney and Frances Lewis Professor of Law at W&L Law, has been named as the next Dean of Rutgers Law School. Bond will assume her role at Rutgers on July 3, 2023.
The Museums at W&L invites visitors to reflect on “Born of Fire: Contemporary Japanese Women Ceramic Artists,” on display through April 29.
Baluarte will teach in the Refugee Law Clinic and assist in the development of clinical legal education more broadly at the Iberoamericana University.