Construction continues on schedule for a fall 2020 opening. The building envelop is nearly finished and the project is approximately 60 percent complete.
Construction continues on schedule for a fall 2020 opening. The building envelop is nearly finished and the project is approximately 60 percent complete.
Hannah Denham ’20 won first place in a prestigious feature writing competition for a piece she wrote during an internship at The Washington Post.
Students in Leah Green's Intro to Creative Writing course took inspiration from the environment at Boxerwood Nature Center and Woodland Garden.
W&L hosted “The Economics of Foreign Aid” discussion colloquia in collaboration with the Institute for Human Studies (IHS) at George Mason University.
Tickets to the show can be ordered online or at the box office.
The title of Bodel's lecture was "The epigraphic habit and the epigraphic mode."
On the show, Woodzicka talks about her research on sexual harassment.
Smithsonian flew Benefiel to Pompeii in May 2019 to interview on-site.
The committee chose the grants from 20 proposals requesting almost $85,000.
How Mock Con General Secretary Layne Smith '20 stays sane under the pressure of academics, Mock Con 2020 and acting as head hearing advisor for the W&L Honor System.